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Best Wine List: Top Italian Restaurants of 2024 – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


There are 6 Italian restaurants among the 96 in the world that stand out for offering the best wine list. They are the ones that Wine Spectator has awarded with the Grand Award, its most prestigious and anticipated recognition among those of the annual Restaurant Awards. The Grand Awards are the prizes that the famous magazine dedicated to the world of wine has awarded since 1981 to those who have achieved thepinnacle of wine service: to restaurants that have no less than a thousand labels in the cellar, with a wide choice of terroirs, producers, formats, vintages, that demonstrate continuous research, and that stand out for the overall experience, and therefore obviously also the food that is paired, offering a first-rate experience.

Which Italian restaurants have the best wine lists?

Among these six award-winning Italian restaurants, some well-known names stand out, but they are not the only ones. In alphabetical order, they are The Ancient Wine Shop of Veronaa «lively and sacred wine centre owned by Amarone producers with a cavernous cellar of over 21,000 bottles; thePinchiorri Wine Shop, three Michelin stars in Florence that has made the history of Italian cuisine (as also underlined by Wine Spectator) and spread the culture of wine with a cellar of 4000 labels; The Peasant Poet of Alberobello which the magazine also cites for the atmosphere of its fifteenth-century rooms as well as for the rich cellar that includes the great verticals of Bordeaux. And again, among the Italian restaurants awarded with the Grand Award by Wine Spectator there is The Ciau of the Tornavento of Cuneo on the hills of Barbaresco which for Wine Spectator is a reference point for tasting Piedmontese labels; The Pergola of Rome, three stars for Heinz Beck on the rooftop of the Hotel Rome Cavalieri, which the magazine also cites for its vintage labels as well as for the excellent selection of Italian and foreign wines. The sixth awarded address is then the Cracco Restaurant in Milaninside the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, appreciated for its atmosphere, its works of art, and its cellar that mixes Italian and French labels.

Italian restaurants in the world awarded by Wine Spectator

If you look closely, these are not the only Italian presences: Among the 96 restaurants awarded with the Grand Award by Wine Spectator there are also many Italian restaurants abroad. Two examples above all: the famous Fiola of Washington DC of the chef and entrepreneur Fabio Trabocchi, known (also) for being the favorite restaurant of American presidents, and the Don Alfonso House in Macauinside The Grand Lisboa Hotel, one of the Iaccarino family’s foreign addresses, with a cellar of 500 thousand bottles.

What’s new at the Restaurant Awards

In general, Italy is very well represented in the lists of Restaurant Awards Of Wine Spectatorwhich this year includes 3,700 restaurants from all over the world. In addition to the 96 restaurants awarded with the Grand Award (indicated by three glasses), this year the magazine has also published the lists of the winners with the Best Award of Excellence (indicated two glasses, this year there are about 350) which are the restaurants that boast a wine list with at least 350 labels, and with the Award of Excellence (a glass, this year there are 2150) which is instead assigned to restaurants with cellars that offer a minimum of 90 labels from high-level producers. Among all of them, two Italian novelties stand out among the Best Award of Excellence: the first is the restaurant of Le Cattedrali in Asti, the new relais of the Laqua group of chef Antonino Cannavacciuolo, the second is the Osteria del Viandante, in Rubiera.

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Creamy carbonara: 3 top tips from chef Barbara Agosti – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


If you are a die-hard carbonara enthusiast (who can blame you), one creamy carbonara it’s the bet you want to win every time you make it. We asked for advice chef Barbara Agostiwhich has just opened its second restaurant in Milan Eggswhere this recipe has pride of place.

Barbara Agosti’s Eggs restaurant, in Milan

Piedmontese by birth, Roman by adoption, Barbara Agosti chose via Solferino 35 for her second Eggs restaurant, whose name leaves no doubt.

Here you can indulge yourself because you will find not only many recipes in which eggs are the protagonists, but also a dozen different versions of pasta carbonara from which to choose. They are all collected in a dedicated menu and divided by color: there is the orange carbonara with courgette flowers; the purple one with duck breast instead of bacon; the green one with artichoke or broccoli or courgette, depending on the season; the white one, potato spaghetti with pecorino cream…

Among these, the real curiosity is that the chef also included the recipe that The Italian kitchen published on its pages in 1954, made with Gruyere, bacon and garlic, and which is one of the most requested among those it offers.


5 places to grill in Milan and surrounding areas: top equipped areas – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Parks, oases, farmhouses, green and sunny expanses: they are there 5 places to grill in Milan and surrounding areas where you can rent spaces equipped for barbecues together. The choice is varied: from just renting the pitches to the possibility of having all the equipment in use, up to the purchase of excellent meats. An outdoor barbecue is the perfect idea to face a weekend in the city, surrounded by greenery, like a small holiday!

Do you want some ideas for putting something original on the grills? There are not only sausages and salamis even if they are undoubtedly great classics that are difficult to give up. However, if you also want to try something different, read our article Grilling not just meat: fish, vegetables and fruit in 50 ideas.

5 places to grill in Milan and surrounding areas

The Agrigriglia with shop in Cascina Reina

Photo: Cascina Reina website.

In the province of Bergamo, but ¾ of an hour from Milan, Cascina Reina offers its customers real gazebos equipped for organizing great barbecues. In addition to the names of the seven dwarfs (for the few who can remember them all!) the gazebos bear names that recall the fairy tale of Snow White and have a cost that varies from €8 to €12 per person.

A free tasting is always available where you can taste cured meats, sip good wine and drink a coffee.

The price also includes the rental (with deposit) of some tools such as tongs, baking tray, meat box and unlimited wood. The use of the gazebos is subject to the purchase of meat on site; Cascina Reina is in fact an agricultural shop selling white meat, pork, beef and cheese.


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