imprettycrafty: tin-can: i am watching masterchef junior and…



i am watching masterchef junior and omfg. this kid

i’m so glad someone posted something from this show. last  night i watched this with jacob. he has already expressed some interest in being a chef (at his age he wants to be everything). but seriously, he always wants to make up dishes. nothing like these kids were cooking YET. 

when we got home he insisted that he needed to make a dessert and hijacked the cake mix i had for my nephews bday cake. he followed the directions on his own. i only helped when he asked me to.  he cooked them in a cupcake pan and after they cooled topped them with chocolate sauce, strawberries, and whipped cream. they were delicious. 

today at the grocery he made me purchase a pumpking which he intends to cook. i’m not sure what he is going to try to do with it but i’ll let you know how it goes. 

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