Green Tea Mochi Ice Cream – Is This Even Close?

What’s my favorite kind of recipe to post on Food Wishes? Any recipe that I’ve never tried before, and this green tea mochi ice cream is a perfect example. In the kitchen, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of having no idea what you’re doing.

I’ve had it many times in restaurants, and have always been fascinated by its unique combination of taste and texture, but I had an absolutely no clue how it was done. I basically still don’t, but regardless, this was my first attempt and I look forward to lots of criticism.

I probably should’ve done a little more research, but I glanced at a few recipes, and decided to just go for it. Remember, these early experiments can yield a lot of great experience, especially if it’s a totally failure. Happily, this wasn’t. All in all, I think it came out very well.

I went with green tea flavored mochi, and while I usually see it paired with green tea ice cream, I decided to go with plain vanilla, and really enjoyed how the subtle, aromatic bitterness of the tea plays off the sweetness of the ice cream.

By the way, if you don’t use the glutinous rice flour this will not work. You can’t substitute regular rice flour, as it doesn’t produce the same texture, or so I’m told. Anyway, let me know how I did, or more likely didn’t do; and I really hope you give it a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 10 Green Tea Mochi Ice Cream Balls:
(I did 8, but there is enough to make a few more)
1/2 cup glutinous rice flour
pinch salt
1/2 cup cold water
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp green tea powder (matcha)

10 small scoops ice cream of your choice (about 1 1/2 cups worth)

This recipe has already been read 664 times!

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