Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares Casting in Southern…

Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares Casting in Southern California

“Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant turn-around show Kitchen Nightmares is casting in Southern California, and they want your help finding restaurants that need Ramsay’s help. Casting directors are looking both for restaurateurs who are seeking Ramsay’s council and recommendations from members of the public who want to nominate a flailing eatery.

To qualify, restaurants must be at least a year old, seat at least 35 people, and not be a franchise or chain. The show is looking for restaurants all over SoCal.

If you own a restaurant and want to apply to be on the show, you can apply online, or email KitchenNightmares@TheConlinCompany.com. When emailing, include your name and contact info, the name of your restaurant and specialties, how many seats you have, and why you want Ramsay’s help.

To nominate a restaurant, you can use that same email address or call 310-313-9100. You also need to provide your contact info, as much info about the restaurant as you know (website, etc.) and the reasons you think it would be right for the show.”

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