Tag: show

Chocolate: the talent show for maître chocolatier arrives – Italian Cuisine


On November 20, the talent show Maître Chocolatier – Talents in challenge debuts, the first of its (greedy) kind. While waiting to see it, enjoy the expert's advice

Chocolate lovers tune in – it's your time. From 20 November, for 5 weeks, every Saturday at 7.15 pm on TV8, the Sky free channel arrives Maître Chocolatier – Talents in challenge.

This is the first Italian talent show for aspiring maîtres mhocolatiers and will see ten professionals, top experts in the art of chocolate, compete to join the team of maîtres mhocolatiers by Lindt Italia: 10 competitors, 5 bets for only 1 winner.

An exceptional jury

The program will be conducted by the star chef and judge of MasterChef Italy Giorgio Locatelli, which will follow the aspiring chocolate masters step by step, involving viewers also in their stories. Alongside Locatelli, the maître chocolatier Lindt Nico Tomaselli, the pastry chef Melissa Forti and a surprise special guest in each episode, coming from the world of entertainment.

The challenge

Here's how the format works: there will be two challenges in each episode, two occasions to show your talent to the judges and make the spectators dream at home, showing the thousand facets and shades of chocolate, revealing the secrets of a raw material and a such noble art as the processing of chocolate.

The first test, or Creation test, will serve to show their artistic sensitivity and the ability to realize their inspiration. The second, theExpertise testInstead, it will serve to demonstrate that you have the technical skills to reproduce the essential and characteristic trait of Lindt's most iconic products, such as Lindor or Orsetto, recreating it faithful to the original or presenting a personal variation.

In each episode, a competitor will be eliminated, and among increasingly sophisticated recipes and delicacies it will be understood who will become part of the Lindt Italia Maîtres Chocolatiers team and will wear the iconic chef's hat.

Maître Chocolatier - Talents in challenge.

5 things to know (absolutely) about chocolate

Have you got an irresistible craving for chocolate? Here are 5 things to know about Nico Tomaselli's chocolate, useful for tasting and preserving it at its best.

To store chocolate correctly, I recommend keeping it in a pantry at the correct temperature (between 19 and 21 degrees ° C), away from heat sources and bad smells.

30 minutes before tasting it is best not to drink coffee or eat spicy foods, because they alter the flavor.

Chocolate can be tasted with all 5 senses: smell, sight, touch and hearing are as important as taste.

To best savor the chocolate, let it melt in your mouth for a few seconds.

When we taste chocolate with liqueurs or other drinks, such as tea, we recommend trying unexpected combinations, because the beauty of the "food of the gods" is to discover new taste experiences.


The show of the Christmas tree of Gubbio – Italian Cuisine


It is the largest Christmas tree in the world made up of threads of thousands of lights that are placed on the mountain overlooking the city, a characteristic village between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, where you can taste typical dishes such as crescia al panaro

One evening, in 1981, a Gubbio, a characteristic town ofUmbria, someone had the bizarre idea to fill in the Mount Ingino of lights, starting from the medieval village and reaching the basilica dedicated to Sant’Ubaldo, patron saint of the city. Forty years later those lights represent, as ascertained by the Guinness Book of Records, thebiggest Christmas tree in the world and, according to a recent research by DYS.com which analyzed Google searches and Instagram hashtags, also the best known worldwide.

The tree of Gubbio, a magic of thirty football fields

The Christmas tree is made every year by a group of volunteers thanks to which this tradition endures over time: its installation requires 1300 hours of work on the wild slopes of the mountain. The big bright fir is accessed on December 7th with a ceremony attended by popes and presidents of the Italian Republic over the years. Composed of thousands of lights of various types and colors (there are 400 only those present within the shape of the tree) extends, starting from a base of 450 meters, for over 750 meters in height (like nearly thirty football fields). This unique show, in the course of its history, has been around the world: the wonder and the emotion it is capable of arousing, in fact, generate a feeling of closeness and brotherhood, first of all among the inhabitants of Gubbio, and then in every person who discovers it, even if only through a photo. And this year's tree is even more magical thanks to the installation, along the path on Mount Ingino, of audio points positioned on the trees that play a Christmas playlist.

Adopting a light is possible

The lighting systems of the largest Christmas tree in the world (1350 sockets and plugs are used to connect the light points) employ a power of about 35 Kw and consume on average about 11,500 Kwh every year, but part of the electricity needs are covered by a photovoltaic system which makes the tree more sustainable. Those who wish can adopt a light for a year, perhaps giving it to someone special, thus contributing to the cost of lighting the tree.

The center of Gubbio
The center of Gubbio

Gubbio, the city of madmen

Gubbio is nicely called the "City of fools" to emphasize the unpredictable nature of its inhabitants (which leads them to realize, in fact, enterprises such as the largest Christmas tree in the world). Visitors can also try to earn a "crazy license" with the intercession of a Gubbio (an inhabitant of Gubbio) and passing the test of three laps of running "with a fraternal and playful soul" around the Bargello fountain or "fountain of the mad" which is located in front of the fourteenth century Bargello palace, one of the buildings that characterize the city together with the Palazzo dei Consoli with its "big bell", al cathedral which dates back to the period between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, al Ducal Palace and to church of San Francesco, just to name a few, not to mention the set of squares and alleys that give the suggestion of being in the "City of stone" of Umbria between the Middle Ages and the Italian Renaissance.

Gubbio at the table

The city, surrounded by a territory of natural landscapes often unspoiled, it holds a rich heritage of art, history and culture, is characterized by handcrafted productions (such as that of ceramics, wood, iron, lutherie, plaster and leather processing) and various gastronomic specialities. They reign on the tables of Gubbio game, sausages, cheeses, oils and fine wines, without forgetting the truffle black and white, hidden in the woods of the area. Alongside grilled roasts and full-bodied tagliatelle, the most typical dishes are the Easter crescia, a fluffy cake with cheese, and the cake to the text or crescia al panaro, a sort of crushed bread, excellent with cold cuts or with freaked, a stew which can be lamb, duck, chicken and rabbit or more meats together, cooked for a long time in a pan with tomato, anchovies, white wine.

Crescia al panaro di Gubbio
Crescia al panaro di Gubbio


Book at the restaurant, but don't show up: because today it's even more serious – Italian Cuisine


The health emergency caused by the coronavirus has put – and continues to put – the Italian restaurants and trattorias to the test. That's why the "no show" is likely to further aggravate their situation

In the technical jargon of restaurateurs he is called "No show", but we could easily explain it even with a more generic "don't go to the restaurant after making a reservation". A serious problem? Absolutely yes, because it causes a loss of earnings. A new problem? No, not at all, but that at the time ofsanitary emergency it risks becoming even more serious. And why it is easy to say: since the premises have been forced to reduce – often also drastically – the number of their seats to cope with new anti-coronavirus regulations, the damage of an empty table has now further amplified.

A matter of respect

«Reopening after the lockdown was a mixture of emotions, something halfway between the first day of school and the start of a new job Maybe I could have waited a little longer, waiting for the situation to return a little more to the normal, but turning the lights on again was an act of responsibility for me: towards my employees, whom I love very much, as well as towards my customers . smiles Isis De Cesare, the chef who with his restaurant The little word jealously guards a Michelin star in that of Trevinano, a hamlet of the municipality of Acquapendente set on the hills of Viterbo.

"Respect, as far as I'm concerned, is a basic word," continues the chef. "So yes, when someone happens to book and does not show up without notifying us, I inevitably feel very bad, because the moral damage is added to the economic damage. In the past it has often happened to me, I remember some evenings in which only half of the customers actually showed up: I sincerely hope that after all we have had to suffer as a collective due to the coronavirus there is more attention to others, more awareness. It is essential, especially for restaurants like mine, which are not located in the center of a large city, in a place of great passage, and therefore therefore work almost exclusively through reservations .

Photo: Getty.

Between black lists and credit cards

In short, today the "no show" can prove to be particularly problematic for all those restaurants dedicated to haute cuisine who face management, personnel and raw materials costs. Its impact, however, must not be underestimated also with regard to the restaurants. To remind him, in this case, is Daniele Persegani, known face of the television program The cook's test, which in addition to managing with his sister Nicoletta theOsteria del Pescatore of Castelvetro Piacentino inaugurated the format in mid-February Gustincanto in Fidenza, in the province of Parma.

"Covid-19 took my father away quite suddenly, and this mourning was already very difficult for me and my family to process," says the chef. «To this, then, were added all the difficulties of continuing with the work. We had inaugurated Giustincanto only a few days before the emergency broke out, and therefore this new adventure, which includes a restaurant, but also an academy, an event space, a fitness center and many other services, started uphill. A very steep climb. At the same time, even the situation at the Osteria del Pescatore was not easy: our restaurant in Castelvetro is located on the Emilian side of the Po, but we work a lot with our customers from Lombardy, Cremona and Lodi in the first place. THE regional borders blocked until the beginning of June they obviously affected our work a lot, as I imagine many border activities between different regions have happened ".

Even after the go-ahead for the passage between regions, however, a large part of the problems remained. "To date, as far as the Osteria del Pescatore is concerned, we have practically had to halve the place settings to ensure the spacing between the tables. Before there were about 80, today they are just over 40 , continues Persegani. «For this reason, those who book and do not show up really risk causing great damage. Luckily we have a hard core of our very loyal clientele, but I would like to remind everyone else of a very simple thing: just advise. A phone call is enough to say that there has been a problem and that unfortunately we cannot get there. It can happen, we would miss it, but to warn is an indispensable form of respect.

Any ideas to prevent the dreaded no show? «At the moment we only ask for the name and telephone number, but I would also be absolutely in favor of asking for the number of the credit card, just like in hotels, "says the chef. «Of course, the perplexity of Italian customers should be overcome, but it would only be a protection against rudeness. A black list shared among restaurateurs? Why not, it could be an idea, with names and phone numbers. Protecting yourself has always been important, and today, after what we all went through, it is even more important. Although, of course, one always hopes not to have to go that far, and to be able to trust people .

Photo: Getty.

Technology against the "no show"

The digital booking services can provide concrete help to restaurateurs in identifying the cunning of the bin. It is an example TheFork, the most popular restaurant and similar booking app, which for several years has been committed to supporting locals in this fight. So, for example, the customer who makes the reservation receives a confirmation message that reminds him to cancel the reservation in the house of unexpected events (and that allows him to do it in a few taps on the screen). At the same time, the system prevents the user from simultaneously booking multiple tables for the same service, and keeps track of past no shows: in case of customer accustomed to the no show, the restaurant owner is notified through the application management program.

"Online booking is a tool that can help counter this," he explains Almir Ambeskovic, European manager and board member of TheFork. «Thanks to TheFork Manager, the management that we provide to restaurants when they join our service, merchants can automatically send reminders to customers and benefit from one-click cancellation which greatly reduces the rate of missed visits. In addition, for haute cuisine we plan to introduce a credit card booking soon, recognized by top chefs as the most effective tool to limit no shows ". With a possible penalty for cancellations not communicated.


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