Easy slow cooker recipes

Got a slow cooker? You’ll be surprised how many different things you can make in your slow cooker and it’s easy once you know how.

Stews and casseroles are the most obvious dishes to make in a slow cooker. The meaty, rich sauces of these recipes make the perfect pairing for your slow cooker as they are given plenty of time to develop – but there is so much more you can be making.

Roast dinners, curries, soups – even fish can be cooked in your slow cooker, all you need to do is understand how your device works. We’ve put together a simple guide to using your slow cooker to help you out.

Did you know you could even make cakes in your slow cooker? Rich chocolate sponges and naughty desserts and given an extra intense flavour by spending a few hours being cooked.

So prepare one of these delicious recipes, sit back and let the house fill with the lovely warming smells as you wait for your food to be ready – trust us, it will be well worth the wait!

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