Follow the taste, at the supermarket choose the Slow Food Selection – Italian Cuisine


The Sigma, Sisa and Coal supermarkets take you to discover the most authentic territories, where relationships are more transparent and communities more united. With many good and genuine products selected together with Slow Food Italy

Whether you live in a big city or in a provincial town, there is only one way in which everyone would like to shop: by finding typical and authentic Italian products, with a value that goes beyond taste. To actively promote social responsibility, the "Taste & Passion Slow food Italy selection"Of the supermarkets Sigma, Sisa and Coal, a" four-handed "project with which to research the small and large gastronomic excellences hidden in our territories, select only local raw materials of the highest quality, collaborate with the most representative producers, respectful of ancient manufacturing processes that embody the noblest Italian artisan production. A good trip to our country that today can be done without leaving home, choosing from the many products of the Gusto & Passione line in your trusted supermarket Sigma, Sisa or Coal.

Four projects to explore the best of Italian food and wine products with the guarantee of Slow Food: craft beers, wines, cold cuts and pastries. Where to start? Discover them all on

Biscotti factory Grondona: canestrelli and more

With 200 years of history behind it, this company embodies the Genoese confectionery tradition. Able to innovate while respecting its past, its Gusto & Passione Selezione Slow Food Italia sweets and biscuits are prepared with natural and refined ingredients. Only precious mother yeast, Baci di Dama with tonda gentile hazelnuts from Piedmont and pure dark chocolate, traditional Pandolce with raisins, candied fruit and pine nuts, Biscotto della Salute and Biscotto Legaccio, delicate, light and nourishing. And then the Canestrelli, with the crispness and flavor of the past.

Wines of the Tre Monti Winery: Romagna DOC Sangiovese and Pignoletto DOC

The wines of this winery are the result of the love and emotions of the Navacchia family who handed down their passion from father to son. The study of the land and the selection of the best plants are the starting point for the organic wines Gusto & Passione Slow Food Italy Selection: Romagna DOC Sangiovese, saline and balsamic, perfect with the classic tagliatelle with Bolognese sauce and Pignoletto DOC, fresh, carefree and pleasantly aromatic.

Salami from the Falorni Butcher: nine generations of knowledge

In the heart of Chianti, the Falorni family has been working high quality cured meats since 1806. For 9 generations they have selected exclusively the best cuts of fresh Italian pigs that the master butchers work by hand and treat "with a knife", respecting the artisan knowledge to guarantee the quality of the Sbriciolona Chiantignana Gusto & Passione Slow Food Italia Selection. Absolutely to try, this typical Florentine salami is an excellence known and appreciated throughout Italy. It is a soft sausage, prepared using lean and fat pork meat, chopped to medium grain and then salted and flavored with fennel seeds, pepper, garlic and other spices.

Beers from the Soralamà Brewery: only with mountain spring water

Soralamà is among the top 15 Italian craft breweries and its beer stands out for the purity of mountain water and for the use of top quality natural raw materials, typical of the surrounding area: in Val di Susa at the foot of the Sacra di San Michele, Soralamà in fact creates its craft beers drawing directly from the source that has excellent organoleptic qualities. This unique ingredient makes their beers light and easily digested. Pils, IPA, Blonde Ale and Bock Rossa.


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