Creme Egg recipes

If you love Creme Eggs as much as we do, you’re going to love this round-up of delicious, mouth-watering Creme Egg recipes including Creme Egg cupcakes, brownies, pancakes and even deep-fried Creme Egg bites.

Who would have thought you could do so much with a Creme Egg? They’re perfect for baking in the centre of a soft cupcake or crunchy biscuit being the star attraction in a naughty but nice Creme Egg milkshake. The best part about cooking with Creme eggs? The gooey, sweet, warm melt-in-the-mouth surprise when you take a bite!

Creme Eggs tend to pop up during Easter so these recipes would be perfect for treating the kids and getting messy on Easter Sunday with the whole family. But don’t limit yourself to just a couple of months of Creme Egg fun – our ingenious ideas can be used throughout the year – shhh… we won’t tell if you won’t! Both kids and adults are going to go crazy for these tasty creations so get making, baking, melting and eating today!

If you see any recipes that you like the look of, don’t forget to save them in your online recipe book. And if you make any of these delicious treats make sure you share your pics with us on Facebook and Twitter too – we just love seeing all your creations!

This recipe has already been read 483 times!

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