Comforting Soups

by Pam on January 19, 2014

I have been on the couch for the last couple of days due to feeling terrible. I have no energy and a horrible headache that won’t go away. Needless to say, I have no desire to cook and have not made a single recipe all weekend long. I hope to be back to cooking tomorrow, but until then, here are some of my favorite comforting soups.

Spinach and Turkey Italian Sausage Soup with Veggies and Orzo[1]


Taco Soup[2]


Chicken and Basil Dumplings[3]


Cheese and Potato Soup[4]


Roasted Tomato Soup with Poblanos, Oregano, & Cotija Cheeseaka Sopa de Jitomate y Rajas[5][6]


Southwestern Cream of Chicken Soup[7]


Roasted Garlic and Tomato Soup with Fresh Basil[8]


Hungarian Mushroom Soup[9]


Pasta e Fagioli[10]


13 Responses to “Comforting Soups”

  1. 1

    Andrea@WellnessNotes[11] — January 19, 2014 @ 6:03 pm[12]

    Feel better soon, Pam!


  2. 2

    mia xara[14] — January 19, 2014 @ 10:22 pm[15]

    Hi Pam, great variety of soups, I especially like the taco one! I hope you’ll get back to feeling normal in no time, I know the yucky feeling, I had the flu a week and a half ago


  3. 3

    lenia[17] — January 20, 2014 @ 1:30 am[18]

    A delicious post full of great recipes!



  4. 4

    Jenn[20] — January 20, 2014 @ 4:24 am[21]

    Hope you feel better soon!!!


  5. 5

    Joanne[23] — January 20, 2014 @ 5:18 am[24]

    Oh no! I hope you feel better chica! If we lived closer, I would bring you a big pot of one of these soups!


  6. 6

    Larry[26] — January 20, 2014 @ 5:58 am[27]

    Sorry you are feeling poorly Pam and hope it goes away soon. You have provided a fine looking list of soups and I’m off to look at the details. By coming to Florida, we have missed a big part of soup season.


  7. 7

    Kris — January 20, 2014 @ 7:51 am[29]

    I am so sorry to hear you are sick! Feel better soon!!!
    xo Kris


  8. 8

    Pamela @ Brooklyn Farm Girl[31] — January 20, 2014 @ 8:10 am[32]

    I sure hope you are feeling better Pam. If anything could do the trick, it would be this soup!


  9. 9

    gloria[34] — January 20, 2014 @ 8:56 am[35]

    love these soups!!


  10. 10

    The Café Sucre Farine[37] — January 20, 2014 @ 11:04 am[38]

    So sorry you’re not feeling well Pam, that stinks! But you certainly know how to make some wonderful looking soups when you’re well, these all look amazing, I’m in love with that Hungarian Mushroom Soup!


  11. 11

    Catherine[40] — January 20, 2014 @ 2:55 pm[41]

    Dear Pam, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. I wish I lived near to help.

    All of these soups look delicious and comforting for when you are not feeling well.

    The news is saying we are supposed to get 14 inches here tomorrow with a wind chill of 20 below!!!!
    I hope not!!!
    Well, stay cozy and warm and feel better soon. Blessings dear. Catherine xo


  12. 12

    Peggy Recker — January 20, 2014 @ 4:01 pm[43]

    Your soups are always so good. I hope you are feeling better! We are well below freezing here!


  13. 13

    Blond Duck[45] — January 20, 2014 @ 7:02 pm[46]

    I hope you feel better!


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  1. ^ Spinach and Turkey Italian Sausage Soup with Veggies and Orzo (
  2. ^ Taco Soup (
  3. ^ Chicken and Basil Dumplings (
  4. ^ Cheese and Potato Soup (
  5. ^ Roasted Tomato Soup with Poblanos, Oregano, & Cotija Cheese (
  6. ^ aka Sopa de Jitomate y Rajas (
  7. ^ Southwestern Cream of Chicken Soup (
  8. ^ Roasted Garlic and Tomato Soup with Fresh Basil (
  9. ^ Hungarian Mushroom Soup (
  10. ^ Pasta e Fagioli (
  11. ^ Andrea@WellnessNotes (
  12. ^ 6:03 pm (
  13. ^ Reply (
  14. ^ mia xara (
  15. ^ 10:22 pm (
  16. ^ Reply (
  17. ^ lenia (
  18. ^ 1:30 am (
  19. ^ Reply (
  20. ^ Jenn (
  21. ^ 4:24 am (
  22. ^ Reply (
  23. ^ Joanne (
  24. ^ 5:18 am (
  25. ^ Reply (
  26. ^ Larry (
  27. ^ 5:58 am (
  28. ^ Reply (
  29. ^ 7:51 am (
  30. ^ Reply (
  31. ^ Pamela @ Brooklyn Farm Girl (
  32. ^ 8:10 am (
  33. ^ Reply (
  34. ^ gloria (
  35. ^ 8:56 am (
  36. ^ Reply (
  37. ^ The Café Sucre Farine (
  38. ^ 11:04 am (
  39. ^ Reply (
  40. ^ Catherine (
  41. ^ 2:55 pm (
  42. ^ Reply (
  43. ^ 4:01 pm (
  44. ^ Reply (
  45. ^ Blond Duck (
  46. ^ 7:02 pm (
  47. ^ Reply (

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