Blueberry Bliss and GIVEAWAY WINNER!

Blueberry Bliss and GIVEAWAY WINNER!

by Pam on April 14, 2013

We recently went out to dinner with some friends at one of our favorite restaurants. My friend had a drink with dinner that was absolutely wonderful called the Blueberry Bliss. This cocktail consists of sparkling wine, blueberry vodka, and coconut rum topped off with fresh blueberries. It’s light, refreshing, and so delicious. We went to dinner at a friend’s house this weekend and we made these drinks. I also tried it with sparkling water instead of sparkling wine and loved it.  Cheers!

See the bottom of the page for the giveaway winner.

Pour the vodka and coconut rum into a champagne glass. Top it off with sparkling wine or sparkling water (if you use sparkling water make sure to add a bit of fresh lemon juice for an added kick of flavor). Stir the cocktail then add fresh blueberries on top. Serve immediately. Enjoy.



Blueberry Bliss

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 5 min.


1/2 shot of blueberry vodka
1/2 shot of coconut rum
Sparkling wine OR sparkling water
Fresh blueberries


Pour the vodka and coconut rum into a champagne glass. Top it off with sparkling wine or sparkling water (if you use sparkling water make sure to add a bit of fresh lemon juice for an added kick of flavor). Add fresh blueberries on top then stir. Serve immediately. Enjoy.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of
Inspired by The Thirsty Lion



The winner of the Pampered Chef[3] giveaway is comment number 62:

  • Mary[4] — April 11, 2013 :  This is an awesome giveaway, Pam. Those pork chops look fantastic!

Congratulations Mary!! Please e-mail me your mailing address as soon as possible so Pampered Chef can ship you your gift package.


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