At least?

by Pam on January 17, 2013

… someone is using my kitchen! The kids decided to take matters into their own hands and make themselves a big batch of cookies. They chose to make cookies with coconut, white chocolate chips, and milk chocolate chips. They used this recipe[1] and just substituted 1/2 cup of chocolate chips for white chocolate chips and omitted the almonds. They cranked up the pop music (sigh, the things we do for our children) and got ready to bake while I snapped a few pictures. They ended the afternoon by eating a freshly baked cookie while doing homework. The cookies look amazing and the whole family tells me they are extra delicious – probably because the kids put so much love into them!

A quick note to say THANK YOU for all of the wonderful e-mails and comments you have sent my way. I am so thankful for all of your positive thoughts and kind words. I have been getting my back and muscles worked on a lot this week and I am definitely feeling so much better thanks to Dr. Scherer at Back in Motion. It’s a slow & painful process but I am on my way back to normal. I am hoping to try cooking this weekend.  See you soon….


  1. ^ this recipe (

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