Tag: usual

15 recipes that are not the usual butter pasta – Italian Cuisine

15 recipes that are not the usual butter pasta


If you don't feel like tomato sauce, the alternative is white pasta. Asparagus, aubergines, potatoes, fish and meat turn it into a delicious dish

Fast, simple to prepare and tasty. The pasta in white they are the right alternative to the classic pasta with sauce. But what can we cook so as not to take refuge in the usual pasta with butter and garlic, oil and chili pepper? The seasonal vegetables are the right inspiration to color the plate while unexpected spices like curry they amaze the palate with a real explosion of taste. THE cheeses, both reduced in cream and grated, they offer flavor and character, while fish and meat characterize the dishes with taste and substance.

Unique dishes

The recipes that we offer you, in addition to being very quick and simple to prepare, make (when they contain meat and fish) a very good one single dish, ideal for a complete lunch if accompanied by a side dish and a fruit salad. They can be single dishes cold pasta with marinated crudités, bucatini with salami, peppers and sprouts, wholemeal pasta with cannellini beans and squid and guitar pasta with octopus and clams.


On the other hand, the recipes of the pasta with asparagus and castelmagno cream, short pasta with parsley and champignon sauce, penne with tofu and chickpeas, macaroni with potatoes, asparagus and marjoram, spaghetti with garlic, oil, chilli and parmesan cream, pasta with pickles and arugula, pasta, aubergines and mint, pasta with curry, pasta and ricotta, pasta with artichokes and spinach and cold pasta with ricotta pesto.

15 “blank” pasta recipes


Not the usual gateau: the sweet potato pie – Italian Cuisine

Not the usual gateau: the sweet potato pie


The potato gateau it is a dish that everyone likes, just everyone.
Would you like to try it in an "American style" version?
We use them sweet potatoes then.

Don't call it a gateau

The sweet potatoes are now available in all supermarkets and are prepared exactly like yellow potatoes, but they have a slightly sweeter taste and a very hard texture.
They should be cooked a little longer and are perfect for the preparation of savory dishes, but above all sweet.
We want to try using them to cook one potato pie a little revisited.
We will then add del tasty cheese to counter the sweetness of potatoes and then many herbs to give an aromatic touch. Are you curious to try?

Sweet potato pie recipe

First cook, starting from cold water, 500 g of potatoes peeled and cut into equal pieces.
Once soft mash with a fork or a potato masher.
They must become a puree, but you can also leave them a coarse p0 ′ for a more rustic version.
Then mix them with two small eggs or one large egg, a nut of butter, two spoons of parmesan, herbs mixed chopped with knife and bread crumbs just enough.
You can then decide whether to create a pie with a "cheesy" heart, or directly add the pieces of cheese in the mixture before baking.

But which cheese?

You can really choose what you prefer because with sweet potatoes everything is fine.
If you want a sharp contrast choose the feta which is super savory; if you want a tasty contrast choose the gorgonzola creamy and blue; if you want a delicate contrast choose the fontina which is also racy.
You can also add the mozzarella cheese, but remember to dry it very well first.

How to cook the pie

You can choose to serve the pie in portionsthen buttered aluminum molds, sprinkle them with breadcrumbs and then fill them, perhaps with the heart of cheese.
Once cooked at 200 ° for about 15 minutes portion them with a side dish of vegetables like Brussels sprouts which are a little bitter and perfect in contrast, or with leafy vegetables sauté in the pan.
If you want to prepare one instead single pan, in the same way butter it well, sprinkle it with the breadcrumbs and then fill it.
The surface of the pie must always be sprinkled with breadcrumbs mixed with Parmesan and before baking it is important to add a few flakes of butter that will melt during cooking and create a nice golden crust.

Browse the tutorial for more tips on preparing sweet potato pie


Enough with the usual cookies: three ideas for ginger cakes – Italian Cuisine

Enough with the usual cookies: three ideas for ginger cakes


In addition to cookies, you can prepare lots of ginger cakes. Learn how to make lassi, crumble and ginger muffins with our recipes

Admit it, you still have the jar of ginger purchased at Christmas last year to prepare the usual cookies? Or you already bought it back, maybe even fresh this year, but you want to use it not just under the holidays. We have the solution to this long-standing problem: 3 ginger desserts which will not make you regret traditional cookies.

Lassi mango and ginger: ginger sweets Indian mode

The lassi it's a Indian yogurt drink, the ethnic and spicy version of our smoothies and smoothies. Enriched with mango and ginger, becomes one sweet snack or an unusual e light dessert.
Place 200 g of whole white yogurt, half a mango cut into cubes, 200 ml of natural cold water, 4-5 ice cubes, a generous spoonful of honey, a pinch of cardamom and cinnamon and blend until get a frothy consistency. Pour into two glasses, garnish with a slice of mango and a sprinkling of cinnamon.

Cocoa crumble with orange and ginger: the most delicious among ginger desserts

Chocolate and orange they are a perfect couple. And it is ginger? It is not jealous and forms an ideal triangle with these two ingredients. Add to our recipe of cocoa crumble about a teaspoon (based on your taste) of ground dry ginger. Also dress the orange wedges with a pinch of ginger and brown sugar and served inside the cups with the cream, as per recipe.

Lemon and ginger muffin: the textbook version of ginger cakes

Lemon and ginger it's a textbook combination, but muffins are irresistible in every version. In short: a story of assured success.
Blend briefly 200 g of sugar cane with the rind of a lemon Untreated. Add 3 eggs, 80 g of melted butter and made to cool, a yogurt, the juice of a lemon and ginger in powder. Blend just enough time to mix all the ingredients and add 350 of flour and a sachet of baking powder. Blend again for the shortest time possible to obtain a smooth mixture. Fill the muffin cups 3/4 full and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Do the toothpick test before turning out and wait at least a few minutes before biting them.


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