Tag: Spoon

Spoon desserts: 25 very creamy recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


A special meal cooked for friends, family or for those who make our heart beat can only end with a dessert. Why not choose between spoon desserts, which prove to be a choice of simple preparation and sure effect? The advice is always to serve it in individually portioned cups or in small shapes in the case of cheesecake in order to fully exploit the aesthetic potential of spoon desserts, which lend themselves to being decorated with chocolate flakes, fresh, dehydrated and dried fruit and flowers. To ensure that the desired effect does not turn into a disaster, however, remember to decorate the dessert just before serving itin order to prevent the decorations from sinking into creams that are still to firm up or from changing color while resting in the refrigerator.

What are spoon desserts?

The desserts that we offer can be divided into the following types.

The great classics

The classics are a must crème caramel, Portuguese milk, Marsala ricotta mousse, Glacé soufflé and cold chocolate zabaglione.

Between tradition and innovation

Novelty and tradition come together in the recipes: raspberry and vanilla panna cotta with rhubarb, ricotta and black cherry soufflé glacé, cherry mousse and banana cream with olive oil, black bomb, tricolor pudding with raspberries and strawberries, blackberry cup, fresh goat cheese and rose jam, cream with forest sauce and pine nuts, chocolate glasses with cappuccino mousse, strawberries with empress, trio of mousse with wild berries, sweet and bitter almond pudding with raspberry coulis and raspberry mousse hearts.

The semifreddos

A classic of spoon desserts are semifreddos, very tasty both fruit and chocolate based, the most suitable first courses after a substantial meal, while the chocolate ones are also perfect as a snack or to end a light aperitif. Among the recipes collected: honey semifreddo on quinoa wafer with strawberry sauce, cinnamon semifreddo with spicy mango sauce, peach semifreddo poached in amaretto, blackberry and yogurt semifreddo with brittle and three chocolate semifreddo.

With an exotic touch

For those looking for an exotic touch, the recipes are perfect mini lime cheesecake, brown bread and cream cheese dessert and coconut blancmange with mango carpaccio.

Can’t you wait for dessert too?

Here are our 25 dessert recipes

Spoon desserts: 25 recipes


Ciambellone measured with a spoon – Italian Cuisine


Mounted eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt until a frothy mixture is obtained. Continue to whisk adding first the milk, then the oil, followed by the flour and yeast and finally the grated lemon zest.
Pour the mixture in a donut mold (ø 24-26 cm), sprinkle with more sugar and bake in the static oven at 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes.


the spoon dessert ready in 10 minutes – Italian Cuisine


A recipe with few ingredients, quick and easy, for a fresh dessert to be enjoyed from snack to dinner

You can prepare a spoon dessert in just ten minutes? If the answer is the greek yogurt mousse, then absolutely yes. And if the result is also very good it is really worth trying.

The mousse allo Greek yogurt very reminiscent of the yogurt ice-cream but it is decidedly more frothy and delicate. You can serve it in tall cups or glasses and our advice is those of put them in the freezer for 10 minutes before pouring the mousse for keep it very cold and enjoy it to the fullest of taste.


Greek yogurt mousse, a recipe in 10 minutes


To prepare this quick dessert per spoon you will need: 150 ml of already cold fresh liquid cream, 40 g of powdered sugar, 150 g of Greek yogurt, 1 sheet of gelatin or isinglass.


The first thing to do to prepare the Greek yogurt mousse is to soak the sheet in cold water jelly to soften it. Then, with the help of kitchen whips you need to whip the cream, gradually adding the icing sugar until you get a homogeneous compound and free of lumps.

At this point it is necessary add yogurt and continue to mix, using a spatula and always trying to go From the bottom to the top because it is the best way to incorporate the ingredients into the cream.

When the mixture is ready, take a spoonful and put it in a saucepan with the gelatin sheet properly squeezed, heat it on the stove until the gelatine did not melt (not a second more) and then pour it on the mousse with yogurt and cream mixing well with the spatula.

Let it all cool down a room temperature for 5 minutes and then put the Greek yogurt mousse in fridge for 30 minutes. With a teaspoon or a sac à poche then pour it into small glasses or bowls before bringing it to the table and fill it with what you like, starting with strawberries and berries.


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