Tag: oranges

Fennel and oranges, our detox allies – Italian Cuisine

Fennel and oranges, our detox allies



January and February are the months par excellence dedicated to detox and nature, it seems to want to help. Fennel and oranges are two seasonal ingredients who seem born to travel on the same track, meet in light and rich dishes and taste to join us on a path of purification and detoxification. That's why they are so precious and how to prepare them.

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Detox is not the same as a diet

The properties of fennel

Fennels are known and appreciated thanks to their renowned properties digestive and depurative, but also contribute to reduce swelling. To make this vegetable a detox food par excellence, lEssential oil anethole which is able to counteract the formation of intestinal gases that cause pain, aerophagia and flatulence. Able to fight inflammation, fennel is also indicated for those who suffer from irritable colon and is therefore valuable to protect the gastro-intestinal system in general.
Rich of mineral salts and vitamins, are considered excellent antioxidants thanks to vitamin C and flavonoids that they strengthen the immune system and fight free radicals.

The power of oranges

The most cultivated citrus in the world is a real concentrate of well-being thanks to the excellent concentration of C vitamin, Fundamental to the correct iron absorption and capable of stimulating the formation of collagen. This fruit is also capable of reduce the absorption of sugars thanks to the fibers present in it. To benefit from this virtue however, it is necessary consume it with all the pulp: squeeze it in fact eliminates the fibrous part and leads us to absorb only its juice with the relative sugars. As well as fennels, oranges contain antioxidants, terpenes and polyphenols and they fight free radicals and progressive aging.

Why bet on vegetables and fruit

After an intense and disorganized period like that of parties, it is good to provide our body with all that is missing in the most convivial lunches and dinners. Or abundant portions of fruit and vegetables, maybe to be served raw and with a light dressing. Just a teaspoon of oil to make a great special dish prepared simply with finely cut fennel, oranges and black olives. Taste it without salt and you will not regret it.
With the same ingredients reduced in small cubes you can also prepare a good one spelled salad or a warm cous cous to mix with fennel and raw oranges to which you will add small diced onion, a precious ingredient thanks to its purifying properties.
In this way we will pamper our body with vitamins, mineral salts and water: three from the bases from which to leave to forget the swelling and find the right balance. And always about hydration, say of no to alcohol, carbonated and sugary drinks and fruit juices It will help you reach your detox goal. In fact, our body simply requires plenty of water, and we must satisfy it by drinking at least a liter and a half a day from the moment it is awakened. If you have a juice extractor or a centrifuge, you can then prepare purifying drinks based on fennel and oranges, perhaps even mixing them with small portions of lemon and carrots.

The recipes

In the gallery below, we have prepared a collection of delicious and easy to prepare recipes that focus on the winning combination of fennels and oranges. Appetizers, pasta dishes, side dishes and desserts to discover how many creative ways you can benefit from these precious seasonal ingredients without getting bored.

Tempura of fennel and beetroot
 Pumpkin and fennel cream
Burnt cream of fennel
Flan of fennel
Marinated grouper with fennel
Fried egg, fennel and oranges
Mackerel in carpione with orange, fennel and spices
Ginger chicken with fennel and orange salad
Fennel, pear, trevisana salad
Seafood salad with fennel and oranges
Salad with fennel, oranges and apples
Salad of green apple, fennel and orange
Octopus, chickpeas, fennel and orange salad
Fennel salad, apples and walnuts
Fennel salad and fruit with honey
Fennel with catalan sauce
Cuttlefish, fennel and orange salad


Recipe Crudità alle oranges – Italian Cuisine – Italian Cuisine


  • 400 g courgettes
  • 300 g curly salad
  • 200 g carrots
  • 200 g blond oranges
  • 200 g flakes of milk
  • 120 g yourt thin
  • salt
  • pepper

For the recipe for raw oranges, sprinkle the courgettes, wash and cut them for a long time with a slicer. Scrape, sprinkle, wash and cut carrots in the same way. Clean, wash and drain the salad. Peel the oranges and divide them into wedges, peeling too: work on a small bowl, collecting all the juice that will come out during the operation. Arrange the vegetables and fruit prepared on individual saucers or in a salad bowl, alternating the colors. Pour into the blender jar all together for 1-2 minutes. Salt and pepper. Serve the salad, accompanied by the sauce of which everyone will serve to taste.


Oranges in the evening … lead. But it's true? – Italian Cuisine

Oranges in the evening ... lead. But it's true?


In order to enjoy all the beneficial properties of oranges, it is better to avoid consuming them before going to bed, even more so if you suffer from gastritis

You certainly know the famous say that says "the orange in the morning is gold, at lunch it's silver, in the evening it's lead". In this sentence, as in all proverbs, there is a fund of truth. But how much to eat oranges in the evening could be harmful, or rather annoying, for the body? Mainly for two reasons.

Why not eat fruit after dinner

In general, fruit is healthy, rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, but it also contains one fructose percentage relatively high which, if not burned by the body, turns into fat. For those who follow a controlled diet is therefore it is not advisable to replace the dessert with a fruit after dinner, including oranges, because they would be made too much sugar to the organism, without leaving enough time to burn them.

Oranges in the evening? Better to avoid

Regarding the specific case of oranges, there is no scientific evidence to show that eating them in the evening after dinner weighs or slows digestion more than other fruits. What is certain is that their juice is acid and so it's definitely contraindicated for those suffering from gastritis. In fact, its intake could increase the burning behind the breastbone. This feeling will be even more pronounced if the oranges are consumed just before going to bed and after a hearty meal, because, in doing so, it further burdens the digestion. It should be emphasized that also other citrus fruits, like lemon and grapefruit, they cause this effect. And the same is true for blueberries, which can increase gastroesophageal reflux symptoms.

When you have to eat fruit

The best time, therefore, to consume fruit is on an empty stomach, between meals and not just before going to bed. Only in this way can the body benefit from all the nutrients it contains, its energy capacity and its detoxifying function. In particular, as regards oranges, in addition to the great contribution of C vitamin, they also have anticancer properties for the flavonoids they contain and are useful in the weight loss diet because they contain a molecule that reduces fat absorption.


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