Tag: drunk

Champagne is drunk on the Orient Express – Italian Cuisine

Champagne is drunk on the Orient Express


The packages available

Package One – Double Cabin: Double cabin price is £ 6,200 per person, based on two people per cabin aboard the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, including the above.
Package Two – Cabin Suite: the price of a Cabin Suite is £ 10,500 per person, based on two people per cabin aboard the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, including the above and a Celebration Breakfast in the dining car.
Three package – Grand Suite: the price for a Grand Suite is £ 21,500 per person, based on two people per cabin (with private bathroom) aboard the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, including the above, a Celebration Breakfast in the dining car and a pre-trip stay of one night at the exclusive Hôtel du Marc in Reims. 6 cabins are available in this package.
To book, send an email to invitation@belmond.com. The number of cabins available is limited.

Vulve Cliquot and Belmond: the luxury join venture

Founded in 1772 in Reims, France, Veuve Clicquot it stands out for its yellow color. Madame Clicquot, a bold and innovative woman known as "La Grande Dame de la Champagne", took over the reins of the Maison in 1805 and became one of the first female entrepreneurs of the modern era. He cultivated a culture of excellence and adopted the motto: "One quality, the best".

For over 45 years, Belmond is a pioneer in the luxury travel industry, with a passion for authentic moments of escapism and a portfolio of unique experiences in some of the most exciting places on the planet. The Belmond portfolio spans 24 countries, including the famous Venice Simplon-Orient-Express train. The essence of the Belmond brand is based on its tradition, attention to detail and genuine and authentic service.


Drunk Bread Pancakes Recipe – Italian Cuisine

Drunk Bread Pancakes Recipe


  • 300 g stale bread
  • 70 g granulated sugar
  • 3 whole eggs
  • 30 g white flour
  • cinnamon
  • 1 orange
  • 2 untreated lemons
  • liquid honey
  • dry white wine
  • fry oil
  • powdered sugar
  • salt

For the drunk bread pancake recipe, soak the bread, covered in wine. Mix the eggs with the sugar and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Add the bread, soaked and squeezed, and mix everything well. Season the mixture with the grated peel of lemons and orange (use only the yellow part).

Also flavored with a pinch of cinnamon. Add 30 g of flour or as much as needed to make the dough rightly consistent. Pour it by teaspoons into the frying pan (possibly with a basket) in which you have heated plenty of oil.

Serve the pancakes hot, sprinkled with powdered sugar, alone or with a sauce prepared with 50 g of honey mixed with 3 tablespoons of hot water and the filtered juice of a lemon.


what to drink and eat to get drunk – Italian Cuisine

what to drink and eat to get drunk


Hangover: was the awakening traumatic after yesterday's party? Here are some tips for relieving hangovers (and false myths to dispel)

The party was beautiful, okay, but now you have to deal with the consequences. Exaggerating a bit with alcohol means only one thing: hangover, a nice mix of headache, nausea, tiredness, dehydration and dizziness.

The first thing you do is go online and type "remedies for hangover ", looking for a miraculous combination of food is drinks that can magically eliminate the symptoms of the hangover. Unfortunately, however, there is no real cure for hangover: in addition to varying from person to person, the consequences also depend on the types and quality of the alcohol ingested (for example, the alcohol in beer is absorbed more slowly than that of wine).

Hangover: what to do to avoid symptoms

Although the only real cure for the hangover is drink in moderationtechniques can be used to limit damage before it is too late.

First of all, the basic rule # 1 is never drink on an empty stomach. Drinking alcohol on a full stomach reduces damage to the body, causing ethanol to be absorbed more slowly and the amount circulating in the blood to be reduced.

Alcohol also has a diuretic action, promoting the elimination of water. For avoid dehydration and to slow down the absorption of alcohol it is appropriate to alternate with the intake of alcoholic beverages also so much water.

Foods against hangover: false myths or truths?

They really exist ingredients or recipes able to cure the hangover? Around the world there are several theories. In the United States it goes by Prairie Oyster, also called corpse-reviver (resuscitation-corpses): a cocktail based on raw eggs, Worcestershire sauce, black pepper and tomato juice, to be drunk with a sip to make the headache disappear. In Japan the ancient remedy is called Umeboshi, or pickled plums and green tea, while in France it is eaten onion soup.

There are also those who argue that continuing to drink reduces the hangover, as in Germany with Konterbier, the beer of the next day. Drinking other alcoholic beverages could provide temporary relief, as the aftereffects occur when the blood alcohol level starts to drop, but this will only postpone the actual hangover.

There is no scientific evidence to support these remedies, but there are certainly some ingredients that can relieve the symptoms of a hangover, helping the body to rehydrate, recover the lost electrolytes and regain energy. Better to avoid complex preparations or difficult to digest. And the famous coffee? Of course, it helps to wake up, but it could irritate the stomach and further dehydrate the body. The same goes for citrus fruits, spices or too fatty foods. What is better to eat then? Look in the gallery at the top 9 foods against the hangover and then take a refreshing sleep.


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