Yeast-free focaccia with potatoes and rosemary – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Yeast-free focaccia with potatoes and rosemary


Immerse yourself in the preparation of a tasty dish focaccia without yeastenriched with potatoes soft and scented with rosemary fresh. This recipe will allow you to create an irresistible focaccia by consistency fluffy and with an aromatic flavour, ideal to be enjoyed as an appetizer, accompaniment or a tasty snack for any occasion. The potatoes they bring a natural sweetness to the pizza, while the rosemarywith its unmistakable scent, adds a Mediterranean touch that will make you fall in love at first taste. Without further ado, sharpen your knives and get to work! Follow the instructions step by step and get ready to enjoy one focaccia mouth-watering homemade. Have fun and bon appetit everyone!


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