Urbani Tartufi and the School of Italian Cuisine: a new partnership – Italian Cuisine


Learn about the great versatility of the magical product in the kitchen in two free online courses

The Scuola de La Cucina Italiana has a new partner who will accompany all of you to discover one of the most interesting products in Italy: truffles.
And with Urbani Truffles, a market leader in the distribution and processing of truffles, that the Scuola de La Cucina Italiana begins this journey of knowledge and tasting, starting with two free cooking courses, in live streaming, a new format conceived by the School to offer teaching also to distance. This will allow enthusiasts from all over Italy, and beyond, to try their hand at the preparation of various guided recipes step by step by the chefs of La Scuola de La Cucina Italiana. Two dates to mark: the February 16 and the March 16. Live from the school's kitchens from 18:00 to 19:30 participants will discover and will be able to create the recipes designed to best enhance the characteristics of Urbani Tartufi products supported by a moderator who will help them discover all the secrets for the best result.

A commitment for generations

It will continue then in the second part of the year with four thematic cooking courses in presence at the headquarters of La Scuola. All the recipes proposed during the events dedicated to Urbani Tartufi aim to enhance the characteristics of the Umbrian company's products to show, with simplicity, how truffles are really suitable for any type of preparation. "For generations we have been dealing with" searching ", Transforming and creating culture on truffles: whether we are talking about fresh or processed truffles, Urbani Tartufi has the task of highlighting and promoting the versatility of use that is typical of this ingredient", he claims Olga Urbani of the Urbani Group. "The collaboration with La Scuola della Cucina Italiana is part of this mission, a wonderful opportunity to continue to make culture on the world of truffles, not yet fully revealed, to make its properties and above all its taste known to an ever wider ". The demonstration took place in the online presentation of the partnership when Marco Cassin – chef of our school – has prepared two delicious dishes such as potato and thyme ravioli with artichoke and truffle sauce and beef fillet with truffle sauce, foie gras, potatoes and pine nuts, using the products of Urbani Tartufi.


Free participation

In addition, Urbani Tartufi will be throughout 2021 main sponsor of La Scuola de La Cucina Italiana providing the Institute with some of the symbolic references in the company's catalog for all courses held during the year. Protagonists in the stoves of La Scuola will therefore be produced like the classic carpaccio of summer truffle, for first or second courses of taste that also like to express a perfect aesthetic, peanuts and truffle almonds, gourmand dried fruit designed to make an aperitif special. To participate in the first two appointments it is necessary to register for the individual events, which will be published on the site scuola.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com. Participation is free.


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