Toast in pink – Italian Cuisine – Italian Cuisine


A classic mountain method by Rotari, to be uncorked during the holidays, with the hope that its color is a good omen for the future

One of the most famous wineries in Trentino for the production of is named after the valiant king of the Lombards Classic Method. Founded in 1977, Rotari is a brand of the group Half crown which sees almost one hundred members of the cooperative engaged in the cultivation of Chardonnay and Pinot Nero destined to become bottles of Trentodoc, the sparkling wine that owes its fragrance to the incomparable climatic conditions of the Trentino mountains.
The winemaking cellar is equipped with the most modern technologies, hidden in a building harmoniously inserted into the landscape, with a suggestive wave roof that recalls the Trentino pergola vineyards. The building also includes a beautiful museum, to find out everything about the Trentino winemaking tradition and the production of the Classic Method, and a shop where you can buy the entire range of Trentodocs by Rotari. Among them, the Rotari Brut Rosé it is a cuvée of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, perfectly balanced: the former gives the structure and aromas of small red fruits, while the Chardonnay, on the other hand, gives freshness and elegance, with floral notes. After resting on the lees for over two years, it has an elegant perlage and a silky and consistent character; the savory finish makes it suitable not only as an aperitif but also in combination with fish appetizers of the holidays. Try it with our red prawn carpaccio.

The recipe: Carpaccio of red prawns

Ingredients for 4 people
800 g red prawns
200 g peanut oil
100 g orange carrots
80 g currants
50 g purple carrots
30 g ginger
4 g fennel
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper

Peel the carrots and cut them first into slices and then into strips about 3 mm thick; cool them in ice water for 30 minutes. Clean the prawns, removing the shells and heads, keeping the latter aside; cut the back with a sharp blade and extract the intestine.

Spread the shrimp on a lightly oiled sheet of food film; cover them with another sheet of oiled film and beat them with a meat mallet, until a homogeneous layer is obtained, about 4 mm thick; let it rest in the freezer, until the pulp has hardened, forming a compact plate.
Peel the ginger, grate it and squeeze the pulp, in order to obtain the juice. Remove the two sheets of plastic wrap and arrange the shrimp carpaccio on a plate. Drain the carrots and dry them well.

Prepare an emulsion with a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, ginger juice and a pinch of salt and season the carrots.

Heat the seed oil to a temperature of 180 ° C and immerse the shrimp heads in it for 1 minute, then drain on kitchen paper. Distribute the prawns at room temperature on the plates, complete with the seasoned carrots, the chopped fennel leaves, the currants, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt and a grind of pepper; garnish with fried shrimp heads and serve.


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