Timbale of artichoke caponata – Italian Cuisine

Timbale of artichoke caponata


1) Jumbled up flour with sugar and 2 pinches of salt. Add soft butter, egg and mix by adding 1 dl of ice water, a little at a time. When the dough is smooth, roll it out with a rolling pin on a floured surface. Grease a 14 cm diameter mold and line it with the dough, making it overflow. Coated the inside with the slices of ham, letting them overflow too. Cover with cling film and keep in the fridge.

2) Cut half the artichokes, deleted the internal hay and rub them with 1/2 lemon. Obtained from the orange 6 strips of zest, then cut them into julienne strips; squeeze the juice. Peel and slice the onion, stew it in a pan with 2 tablespoons of oil, unite the artichokes, add salt, add the thyme leaves and half of the zest. Deglaze with the wine and sprinkle with the juice. After 5 minutes, cover and carry on cooking 10 minutes until the artichokes are tender and the cooking juices have evaporated. United capers, olives and 50 g of almonds and turn off the heat.

3) Beat eggs with cream, salt and pepper. Add the artichokes and pour everything into the mold. Fold the slices of ham and excess pasta over the filling and cook at 180 degrees for 60 minutes. Leave warm the timbale and turn it out on a serving dish.

4) Obtained the pomegranate seeds. Cut fillet the remaining almonds and toast them in a pan with a drizzle of oil and the remaining zest for 2 minutes. Out of the fire, add the juice of the remaining half lemon, the pomegranate seeds, the chopped parsley and a pinch of salt. Garnish the timbale with the pomegranate mix and serve warm.


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