The (greedy) alphabet of 2021, looking to 2022 – Italian Cuisine


From sweetbread to pumpkin: clubs, cooks and trends of a year that marked a (good) recovery for food & drink. Here's what's left of 2021 and in some cases it will happily continue …

What grade to assign to 2021 of food and drink? If we compare it with 2020, we think that a good 8 fits everything. If we look at the last year of normality, it must be lowered to 7. But not so much for the passion – back high, but basically it had never gone away – if anything, for the fact that there are aspects of the 'system' in search of a new identity: the old one is really gone.

A few examples: the room of the premises (practically to be rebuilt), the end of the avant-garde (right? wrong? but it is essential there is), the approval of products and dishes. That said, the food & drink in Italy remains one of the few elements that make you smile, where excellence is not a rarity – as in other fields – and we are admired, envied, copied around the world.

That's why, as per the tradition of La Cucina Italiana, we liked to remember – in an alphabet, very personal and not necessarily shared – clubs, chefs and trends of the year that is about to go into the archive. With the certainty that, in some cases, our choices will be protagonists also in 2022. Best wishes (intense and tasteful, of course).

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