The 10 best recipes with peppers – Italian Cuisine

The 10 best recipes with peppers


Red, yellow or green, are i pepperoni, there are different varieties and shapes, some sweeter and more spicy: an explosion of color, taste and flavor but also of nourishing elements! It is a typical summer vegetable, originating in Central America, rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, beta-carotene and vitamin C, with remarkable antioxidant properties. Also recommended in low-calorie diets (the calories of peppers are quite low: only 31 calories per 100 g), they should be avoided only in those who experience continuous gastric problems. To the more, in fact, i pepperoni they are difficult to digest, in reality an easily overcome problem: just buy them ripe and remove the seeds, the internal filaments and the external film that covers the pulp.

To exalt all their exquisite goodness you can choose to cook i grilled peppers, to the oven, stuffed or cooked in the pan for example to prepare a delicious peperonata, a tasty side dish to accompany both meat and fish dishes. Without forgetting, that i peppers are delicious even raw: try them with the Salt & Pepper recipe of the pinzimonio with three sauces, they are really appetizing!

THE pepperoni they are perfect for creating recipes with Mediterranean flavors that immediately make summer: to dress a dish of pasta or to enrich the taste savory pies. They are easy to combine with meat or fish, cheese and vegetables, giving the dishes a fresh, sweet or spicy taste

Whatever type of recipe you have chosen to prepare, i pepperoni they must first be deprived of the petiole, cut in half and get rid of internal seeds is of the white ribs that they are spicy: be careful not to touch your eyes after cleaning, otherwise a violent burning! They should then be washed and cut: in cubes, julienne, whole or in a boat if you want to stuff them

Other preparations provide that i pepperoni be skinned: to do this there are more techniques. The oldest method but also the most dirty and unhealthy one is roast the peppers on gas, just bring the vegetables in direct contact with the flame of the stove, turn them from time to time until the peppers are toasted on all sides. You can safely replace this practice with another method: roast the peppers on the plate (or in a frying pan), it will give the same result but definitely healthier and less dirty than the previous one! Just heat the plate or pan on the flame and place the peppers on top, then roast them turning them often on all sides, until the surface film is well roasted; it will take about 40-50 minutes. If you have little time, you can toast the peppers in the oven warm at 200 ° C for about 30 minutes, griandoli often on all sides; it is certainly a faster method but the roasted peppers lose a little the "smoky" aroma that characterizes them but they are excellent as a side dish, seasoned with oil, salt, parsley and a clove of garlic cut into small pieces; also perfect for seasoning pizza: click here!

To peel them, after you have roasted the peppers, close them, drop them in a bag or wrap them in aluminum foil and wait for them to cool: in this way the film will be removed without difficulty and will be divided into flaps or strips if required by your recipe .

In the kitchen i pepperoni it is a basic ingredient for many fast and tasty dishes, not only of Italian tradition. Salt and pepper has selected for you in this top ten 10 best recipes with peppers: first, second, appetizers, side dishes and pies to bring the sun to the table for most of the year. Try all the recipes now, discover the tasty and aromatic flavor of the pepperoni with Salt and pepper.


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