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"The true southern watermelon is a gift from the Lord, and should not be confused with the common things of the earth. He has excelled among the pleasures of this world, king, by the grace of God, of all the fruits of the earth. When you taste it, you know what angels' food is. Eva's was not a southern watermelon: we know it because she repented."Mark Twain

lucky from 22 June to 22 July

Special ingredient: Mint and fresh herbs.

Good luck vegetables: Trumpet zucchini and courgettes. HERE you will find all the nutritional information of this wonderful vegetable.

The chef recommends: The most important thing that this sky gives you back is the possibility to choose. Nothing more wonderful for this week than choosing what to want to eat, full freedom, but the only thing I can recommend is not to overdo the quantities. Choose what and choose how and where but better to eat little and more often than to binge and mix the various ingredients too much. Ingredient of the week zucchini trumpet. Fruit before meals and throughout the day.

Dish of the week: Trumpet zucchini stewed with mint leaves. HERE you can take inspiration and ideas for cooking courgettes in different ways!
Magic fruit: Watermelon and berries. HERE you can discover at least 10 ideas to count watermelon in savory dishes.


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