Spongata (Spungata) | Yummy Recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Spongata (Spungata) |  Yummy Recipes


There spongata it is a holiday dessert that can be kept for a long time and is prepared with many ingredients including chopped almonds, hazelnuts and pine nuts combined with candied fruit, honey, sugar, flour and wine. Here are the steps for the spongata recipe.


The traditional dessert of Parma is Spongata, which is not found in any other region of Italy; It has a round and flattened shape, externally covered with shortcrust pastry and internally made up of a special brown filling made of honey, almonds, pine nuts, candied fruit, citron, grapes and pulverized biscuit bread. In 1454 we have the first historical document referring to the Spongata. In fact, in a letter that the General Referendary of Parma addressed to Duke Francesco Sforza, accompanying the gifts with which the officers then maintained the good graces of their lords, there is mention of the “Spongata”.


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