Seadas recipe, the recipe of the typical Sardinian dessert – Italian Cuisine

Seadas recipe, the recipe of the typical Sardinian dessert


  • 300 g fresh pecorino
  • 250 g durum wheat semolina
  • 30 g lard
  • strawberry tree honey
  • salt
  • Orange
  • lemon
  • peanut oil

For the recipe of the seadas, mix the semolina with the lard, then add about 120 g of water and a pinch of salt. You will need to obtain a smooth and soft mixture. Let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Grate the pecorino, perfume it with the peel of 1 orange and 1 lemon and make small flattened balls. If it is too dry, soften it gently on the stove (with a drop of milk, if needed) to be able to shape it.
Pull the pasta in thin sheets, with the sheeter, obtaining strips. Arrange the pecorino on half of them at a regular distance, cover with other strips, press well around the filling and close as you do with ravioli; cut out the dough around the filling with a 9 cm diameter pastry cutter.
Fry the seadas in hot peanut oil (200 ° C), until they are golden brown, turning them very gently so as not to break the bubbles that will form on the pasta. Serve with honey.


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