Risotto with spider crab and prosecco – Italian Cuisine

Risotto with spider crab and prosecco


1) Boil the spider crab for 20 minutes; open the carapace e transferred the contents in a bowl, setting aside a spoonful of coral. With a nutcracker, break the legs and extract the pulp, which you will keep separate from the contents of the carapace. Dilute the coral in 2 tablespoons of warm oil and salt.

2) Chop onion e fry it with 4 tablespoons of oil; add the rice, toast it a few minutes, blend with the wine and add the broth a little at a time. When the rice is 3/4 cooked, add the contents of the shell.

3) Jump the shrimp tails with 1 tablespoon of oil e chopped chives. Bring the rice after cooking, add the pulp extracted from the legs, the shrimp tails, the chives, seasoned with salt and pepper. Serve the risotto in the dishes "stained" with coral oil.


Posted on 12/30/2021



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