rich dish, I stick to it! How to prepare it – Italian Cuisine

rich dish, I stick to it! How to prepare it


Tasty and substantial, is a recipe based fontina, cream and ham, perfect to enjoy in the mountains, maybe after a morning of skiing

When you want a first course of rich, tasty and so substantial pasta to become a single dish, then the Val d'Aosta pasta it can be the recipe for you. It is suitable for everyone except those who do not like cheese, because the main ingredient of this recipe is the main cheese of Valle d'Aosta, the fontina.

A cheese that changes according to the season

Fontina is a cheese Dop which is done only with milk coming from the Valle d'Aosta herds that feed on the summer pastures on high ground and in winter instead they eat the hay harvested at the bottom of the valley. For a fontina form, 100 liters of fresh milk are used. The taste of this cheese can be sweeter or tastier depending on the seasoning. Normally the forms are left to dry for 80 days on large wooden planks: at that point the "eyes", ie the holes in the pasta of the fontina, will be very evident, evidence of the success of the cheese.

The recipe of pasta alla valdostana

Ingredients for 4 people

350 g pasta, 200 g diced ham, 200 g fontina, 100 g Parmigiano Reggiano, 200 g fresh cream, salt, parsley, a knob of butter.


First of all, put the knob of butter and the cubes of ham in a pan. Let them brown and then add the fontina cut into strips and the cream. Meanwhile, put a pot on the stove with water, boil it, add salt and then add the pasta. Once cooked, drain it and pour it into the pan with the ham and fontina. Sauté a minute on the heat, then turn off, add salt, sprinkle with Parmesan, add the parsley and serve.

In the tutorial, discover some tips for an even tastier result!


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