Recipe Melon sponge and crispy ham – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Melon sponge and crispy ham


  • melon,
  • 120 g egg whites
  • 50 g sugar
  • 50 g egg yolks
  • flour
  • cornstarch
  • baking powder

For the sponge
Cook 120 g of melon juice in a saucepan, until reduced by half. Partially whip 120 g of egg whites with 35 g of sugar, stopping when the egg whites appear white and barely solid. Keep them aside. Whip 50 g of egg yolks in a bain-marie with 15 g of sugar, a pinch of salt and the reduced melon juice; when they have reached 40 ° C (measure with the thermometer), remove them from the bain-marie and continue beating until the mixture is firm; at this point, incorporate the semi-whipped egg whites, then 55 g of flour, a little at a time, 7 g of corn starch sifted together with 3 g of baking powder. Pour the mixture into 8 disposable molds and bake them for 10 minutes at 160 ° C. Once removed from the oven, turn them out and let them cool.

For the white melon cream
Centrifuge 800 g of white melon and bring the juice to a boil in a saucepan with the juice of 1/2 lemon. Thicken with a pinch of cornstarch, mix and turn off.

For the ham
Press 8 slices of raw ham between two tegliette, lined on top and bottom with baking paper. Bake at 160 ° C for 10-12 minutes, then place the slices of ham on a sheet of kitchen paper, which absorbs the excess fat. Finally, chop them finely to get a crunchy powder.

To serve
Pour the cream into the plates and place the sponges on top. Cover them on the surface with the ham powder and complete with slices of white and orange melon, grated lime zest, pepper and basil leaves.


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