Recipe Chicken breast alla cacciatora – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Chicken breast alla cacciatora


  • 600 g chicken breast
  • 250 g tomato puree
  • 100 g orecchiette mushrooms
  • 60 g pitted olives
  • 20 g shallot
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • garlic
  • fennel
  • dry white wine
  • salt
  • pepper

For the recipe for chicken breast alla cacciatora, cut the chicken into small pieces. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a saucepan with a clove of crushed garlic with the peel and the thinly sliced ​​shallot. When it is hot, add the chicken and brown it for 2 minutes, adding salt.
Deglaze with half a glass of wine. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces, rinse them and add them to the chicken, along with the puree and olives. Also add a glass of water and a sprig of chopped fennel. Season with salt and pepper and cover with a lid. Cook for another 5 minutes and turn off. Remove the garlic and serve, flavoring with fresh herbs to taste.


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