Pumpkin and lentils in a spicy soup – Italian Cuisine

Pumpkin and lentils in a spicy soup


Pumpkin is the protagonist of autumn: let's use it in this soup, combining the beneficial properties of this vegetable with those of lentils (and the unexpected taste of spices)

How can we prepare one seasonal soup if not using the pumpkin? With this recipe, in fact, we are already projecting ourselves towards winter and the Christmas holidays, with lentils protagonists of the table and Christmas baskets (so much so that at a certain point we will no longer know how to cook them …). So here's an idea for an ideal dish to warm us up from the first cold, not to be forgotten for the next few months. Cortilia, a platform for the online purchase of fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables, suggested it to us.

A soup that is good for you

In addition to pumpkin, rich in fiber, mineral salts, vitamins A and C, and with numerous beneficial properties, the main ingredient of this soup are lentils. Legumes in general are a precious source of nutritional richness, because they have a high content proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins and mineral salts. There are numerous health benefits: they lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of various types of cancer and provide a minimum amount of fat. In short, they nourish fully, winking at the line. There is also a spicy touch given from ginger and cumin which makes the taste of this dish unexpected.

The recipe for the spiced pumpkin and lentil soup

Ingredients for 4 people

250 g of pumpkin
200 g of already boiled lentils
2 carrots
1 leek
4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
a grated ginger
a teaspoon of cumin powder
sunflower seeds to decorate
Salt to taste.
pepper as needed.


Cut all the vegetables into coarse pieces. In a pan, heat the oil, toast the spices and add the leek until golden brown. Then add the other vegetables and cover with boiling water. Let it cook for about 30 minutes, until the vegetables are soft. Then blend the mixture obtained, salt and pepper, then put in bowls. Toast the sunflower seeds (or pumpkin seeds) in a pan and use them to decorate your cream. Serve hot with croutons.


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