Polenta stars – Recipe polenta stars – Italian Cuisine

»Polenta stars - Recipe Misya polenta stars


First of all, prepare the polenta: bring the lightly salted water to a boil, then pour in the flour, stirring at the same time with a whisk.
Cook, continuing to stir, for about 5 minutes or until the polenta is quite firm (no longer mixable with a whisk, but with a wooden spoon), then turn off the heat and add the butter and Parmesan.

Immediately pour the polenta on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper and level the surface well (you can do as I did: I covered with a second sheet of parchment paper and spread with a rolling pin), then let it cool.

Remove the second sheet of parchment paper (once cold it will be easier to remove, leaving the surface intact) and cut out your stars with a cookie cutter (you can also choose another shape, or several different shapes).
Spread the stars on the pan, brush them with a little oil and cook for about 10 minutes in a convection oven preheated to 200 ° C.

Let the stars cool completely; in the meantime, mix mascarpone and gorgonzola until you get a smooth and homogeneous cream.
Once cold, stuff the stars with a little cream (I used a pastry bag with a star spout), a walnut kernel and a few drops of honey.

The polenta stars are ready, you just have to serve them.


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