Pandoro star with mascarpone – Italian Cuisine

»Pandoro star with mascarpone


First, whip the cream, cold from the fridge.

Separately, work the mascarpone with the sugar, then gently add the cream as well, with a movement from the bottom up.

Cut off the top of the pandoro, about 10 cm from the base, then dig out the crumb leaving a shell of a couple of cm.

Prepare the syrup by bringing the water with sugar and orange peel to a boil and lightly wet the pandoro.
Using a pastry bag, stuff the pandoro with the cream, trying to fill the corners of the star well, then let it rest in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

The mascarpone pandoro star is ready: wait for the last moment to decorate it with fresh berries and icing sugar (but you can also use unsweetened cocoa, chocolate chips, dried fruit or whatever you like).


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