Meatloaf with sauce – Meatloaf recipe with sauce – Italian Cuisine

»Meatloaf with sauce - Meatloaf recipe with Misya sauce


Put the bread in soaking in water to sponge.
Meanwhile boil the potato for about 35 minutes in boiling water.

Put in a large bowl the potato (peeled and crushed), the eggs, the squeezed bread, the Parmesan, the chopped basil, a pinch of salt and of course the meat.
Mix with your hands until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.

Prepare the filling by cutting the mozzarella into cubes: if it is very fresh, try to squeeze it a little, gently, with your hands, before using it, so that it does not lose too much serum during cooking.
Spread the dough on a sheet of parchment paper to create a rectangle.

Place the filling of artichokes, pancetta and mozzarella in the center ().
Roll up the dough by covering the filling and seal the edges well so that nothing comes out during cooking.

Fry the garlic in oil in a pan large enough to hold the meatloaf.
Once golden, remove the garlic, add the meatloaf and brown it on both sides.
Add the tomato puree, add salt and chopped basil, cover with a lid and start cooking over medium heat.
You will have to cook for about 40 minutes, carefully turning the meatloaf halfway through cooking and sprinkling it occasionally with the sauce so as not to dry it.

The meatloaf with sauce is ready: you can serve it as a main dish, adding a vegetable and some bread for the inevitable shoe, or take advantage of the savory sauce to season pasta!


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