Lukewarm Sea Recipe – Italian Cuisine – Italian Cuisine

Lukewarm Sea Recipe - Italian Cuisine


  • 200 g clean baby squid
  • 80 g boiled octopus
  • 16 red prawns
  • 16 Mediterranean prawns
  • a lemon
  • parsley
  • salt
  • extra virgin olive oil

For the lukewarm seafood recipe, peel the prawns and prawns and remove the black gut. Chop a sprig of parsley. Bring a pot of lightly salted water to a boil and, with the help of a slotted spoon, immerse the prawns in it. Blanch them for 1 minute and a half, then drain and place them in a bowl.
Cook the prawns and baby squids in the same way and for the same time. Turn off, then, finally, also immerse the octopus, cut into coarse chunks and heat it for 30-50 seconds.
Combine everything in a bowl and season with an emulsion obtained by mixing vigorously with a fork the lemon juice with 50 g of oil with an ice cube and chopped parsley. Serve immediately.


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