Limonotti – Recipe Limonotti di – Italian Cuisine

»Limonotti - Recipe Limonotti di Misya


Start by preparing the lemon shortcrust pastry, place the flour in a bowl, make a hole in the center and add the eggs, the cold butter cut into small pieces, the sugar, the baking powder and start working the dough with the tip of the fingers starting from the center and gradually absorbing all the ingredients. Knead adding the lemon juice and peel until the dough is compact. Then form a loaf and let it rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

Then create balls of about 30 grams each, then flattened each one and give the shape of lemon, then slightly flattened at the base and a little more elongated at the tip.

Place the biscuits thus obtained on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Then cook the lemon biscuits in the oven at 170 ° for about 15 minutes. Once cooked, take them out of the oven and let them cool.

Now prepare the custard with lemon. Put eggs, sugar, milk, flour and lemon juice in a saucepan and mix with a whisk until smooth. Put the saucepan on the heat and cook over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon, until a smooth cream is obtained. Turn off the heat and let it cool.

Let's go now to assemble the biscuits. On half of the shortbread biscuits, place a tablespoon of lemon cream, close with another biscuit, applying light pressure to spread the cream well over the entire surface. Now brush the biscuits with a hot one prepared with water, sugar and lemon juice. Then cover the limonotti with a sprinkling of granulated sugar.

. Place each lemonade in a cup and bring to the table.


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