Lentil meatloaf – ‘s recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Lentil meatloaf - Misya's recipe


First of all, let’s prepare the meatloaf: put the potatoes, after having washed them well, in a pan, cover with plenty of cold water and start cooking over a high heat, calculating about 20 minutes after boiling: when the potatoes will be quite soft under the tines of a fork (they must be cooked without breaking), drain them.

Peel the potatoes while they are still hot and mash them immediately.

Place the flaxseeds in a food grinder and grind them as finely as you can (it’s okay if they aren’t very fine).
Set the flax seeds aside and chop the rosemary.

Still using the same mixer, leaving the rosemary in, also chop the lentils.

Combine potatoes and lentils in a bowl and mix, then also add cornstarch, concentrate, salt, pepper, oil and flaxseed.

Transfer the mixture onto a sheet of baking paper and shape it into a meatloaf, sealing well with baking paper, then let it rest in the fridge for at least 15-20 minutes (this way it will keep its shape better).

In the meantime, take care of the potatoes: wash them well, peel them and cut them into wedges.

Place them in a saucepan with cold water, bring to the boil and leave to cook for 5-10 minutes (depending on the size of the segments), then drain.

Place the meatloaf (with all the baking paper) in a baking dish suitable for cooking in the oven, place the potatoes around it, season them with salt, pepper, oil and rosemary and cook for about 45-50 minutes in a static oven preheated to 220°C.

At the end of cooking, let it rest for a few minutes before delicately removing the baking paper, then let it cool slightly before cutting it into slices.

The meatloaf is ready, all you have to do is plate it and serve it together with its side of potatoes.


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