Knots of garlic bread – Italian Cuisine

»Knots of garlic bread


First of all, prepare the aromatic oil: chop the garlic and parsley very finely and add them to the slightly heated oil in a rather large bowl.

Dissolve the yeast in the warm water, add the flour first and only after salt and oil.

Knead for at least 10 minutes, in order to obtain a smooth and elastic dough, then let it rise for at least 1 hour or until doubled.

Take the dough again, deflate it with the help of a little flour, then take it a little at a time and form some cords about 15 cm long, then knot them to create the knots.

Heat a non-stick griddle (or pan) after having lightly greased it with a little oil-stained kitchen paper, then cook the knots, about 5 minutes per side, over medium-low heat, with the lid on.

Once cooked, put them still hot in the bowl with the flavored oil and mix to distribute it evenly.

The garlic bread knots are ready, you just have to enjoy them.


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