How to adopt a cow, cherry tree or beehive – Italian Cuisine


An idea to help farmers and receive cheeses, fruit and honey directly from the producers

The idea of ​​adopting an animal or tree remotely is not new, but such initiatives are continually born. The last in order of time comes from the province of Belluno in time of COVID-19: the Peralba Costalta Cooperative di San Pietro di Cadore launched the proposal to adopt a cow.

How to adopt a cow (and receive butter and cheese at home)

Against a fee paid for theadoption of a cow from Costalta (you can choose whether to do it for a month at 39 euros, for six months at 219 euros or for a year at 409 euros), you receive an adoption certificate in exchange with the description, personal details and photo of the animal (c is 6 year old Barbie, 3 year old Pearl, 8 year old Pauline, and a certain amount of butter and cheese made with milk. The initiative had a boom in requests so much so that the cooperative at the moment had to suspend the adoptions ("for this month the cows have given all the milk they had", the farmers say). The cooperative, in fact, is a small company made up of five members with about forty cows that try to maintain the tradition and authenticity of a small artisan dairy, and that has also thought of doing it through the help of adoptions: the contributions received allow farmers to feed the cows to the fullest and take them to summer pasture in the huts of the Val Visdende. The cooperative is not the only reality to propose the adoption of a cow: similar initiatives exist in Val Sugana (Trentino), in VALVESTINO (province of Brescia) and at, to give another example, the Fattoria Muretto di Alagna Valsesia.

How to adopt a cherry tree (or another fruit tree)

From cows to cherry trees. TO Vignola, land suited to the production of cherries, theAmidei farm, member of the Consorzio della Ciliegia di Vignola Igp, instead proposes the adoption of a tree. Adopting a cherry tree you have the opportunity to visit the orchard at the foot of the Modena Apennines at the moment of flowering, you are informed when the fruit is ripe and you receive 10 kg of cherries with shipments throughout Italy. The cost is 70 euros and, they say from the company, it can be a nice gift idea, for example, for the birth of a child, but also a way to find contact with nature and rediscover the rhythm of the seasons. You can also adopt a fruit tree biological from farmers across Italy through Biorfarm: after the adoption (possible for a year with a cost that varies depending on the fruit you want to receive) you can remotely monitor the production of the tree, choose whether to receive the fruits at home or collect them in the fields and order other fruit after the first harvest at a discounted price.

adopt a cherry vignola

How to adopt a beehive (but also a truffle dog)

There are many initiatives that give the possibility of adopt a beehive (costs generally range from 50 to 90 euros for a year) and receive the honey produced by bees, a way to protect these insects, endangered by climate change, pesticides and pests. The start-up of agri-tech 3Bee allows you to choose a beekeeper throughout Italy based on the honey produced, monitor the growth of the hive and then receive the desired amount of honey at home. Even the countryside "Give Bees a Chance" by Mebee it gives you the opportunity to adopt a beehive for a year, give the name to the queen, choose the color of the hive, receive the certificate of adoption, as well as periodic updates and photos on the state of the bees and of course honey. The adoption of a beehive is also proposed, for example, by theBelè farm in Missaglia (Lc), fromRonchello di Gandellino farm (Bg), from the project Made in Langhe & Roero which allows to adopt other excellences of the territory to satisfy all tastes and help those we desire: you can adopt a vegetable garden, a sheep, a portion of hazelnut grove, a goat, a fence of Cherasco snails, a row of Barbera and even a truffle dog!


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