here is the Vasiliki Kouzina shop – Italian Cuisine


From small Greek producers to Italian tables: the new online shop Vasiliki Kouzina tells a new Greece #DaAssaggia

The period we are experiencing has tested and is continuing to test restaurateurs, taken by the delivery experience (new for some), but also committed to reinventing their business when possible with new initiatives. He did it Vasiliki Pierrakea, owner and chef patron of the Greek cuisine restaurant in Milan called Vasiliki Kouzina.

«There have been many difficult moments, but I've always tried to go further, to think positively. All this gave me the strength to implement an idea that has been in the works for some time now, but in which I have always strongly believed: to create Vasiliki Kouzina's virtual shop. I took advantage of the closing days to define every single detail .

Vasiliki's passion for his land can already be felt through the restaurant menu, which tells of a Greece that is sometimes different from the one we are used to. The selection of the best local products, coming from small local producers, characterizes Vasiliki's cuisine as his new e-commerce, with the aim of making the richness of Hellenic gastronomic culture travel off the beaten track.

Vasiliki Kouzina: Greek products online

There is no shortage of iconic ingredients, first and foremost the feta, that of Nikos Memmos of Messinia. L'extra virgin olive oil Kalamata Kavourmas, Origan and aromatic herbs from Taygetos mountain, le raisins of Corinth to be used in salads or desserts, the honey Melira flavored with herbs to taste on cheeses and finally a selection of wines from all over Greece.

An opportunity to enhance and discover lesser-known products, such asapaki, a typical salami of Cretan tradition: smoked pig, salted and marinated in a mix of mountain herbs and extra virgin olive oil. To be enjoyed in slices for a perfect Greek aperitif or to be used in sandwiches and omelettes.

Shipments are available all over Italy, while for the municipality of Milan there is also a collection service directly from the restaurant, in Via Clusone 6.


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