Gnocchi "alla gratirouela" with rooster sauce. – Italian Cuisine

Gnocchi "alla gratirouela" with rooster sauce.


1) You do brown the pieces of rooster in a thick-bottomed saucepan with 1-2 tablespoons of oil. When they take on color, blend them with wine. United onion and celery, peeled and chopped, garlic, peeled and crushed, bay leaf and thyme. Add salt, add the tomato pulp and the puree, cover leaving the lid off and cook 1 hour on low heat.

2) Drain the pieces of rooster from the sauce, remove the skin and bones, cut the pulp into small pieces and put it back into the sauce. Adjust salt and pepper.

3) Prepare the gnocchi. Bring boil 5 dl of salted water with butter. Sift the flour and, when the water boils and the butter is melted, pour it in the water, all at once. Jumbled up over medium heat with a wooden spoon, until the dough comes off the walls and is firm and homogeneous. In the mixer and, at low speed, add 3 tablespoons of parmesan and the egg yolks, one at a time (those needed for a soft dough).

4) Transfer the dough on the floured surface and divide it into 6 portions. With floured hands, form many sticks one finger thick, cut them into 1.5 cm pieces, flour them and pass them on the back of a grater. Dip them in plenty of boiling salted water. Drain them when they rise to the surface and season them with the sauce. Serve with the remaining parmesan aside.


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