First wash the potatoes well and leave them to cook in cold water for about 35 minutes or until they are soft, then drain them.
While the potatoes are cooking, wash the basil leaves well, pat them dry with kitchen paper (or a clean tea towel) and chop them.
Once cooked and drained, peel and mash the potatoes immediately, while they are still hot, then put them in a bowl and add the basil, then a pinch of salt and the flour.
Divide the dough into pieces, make a long, thin loaf (about 1-2 cm) and cut it into 2-3 cm pieces to make the gnocchi.
To obtain the classic ridges, quickly run your finger over the prongs of a fork after flouring them.
The basil gnocchi are ready, all you have to do is cook them and season them as you like.
Boil them in plenty of lightly salted boiling water, draining them as they rise to the surface.
I seasoned them with butter, basil and pine nuts, delicious!
Here are your basil gnocchi, ready to be enjoyed.