Franciacorta is redoing its look and looking to the future of the area – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Franciacorta is redoing its look and looking to the future of the area


Franciacorta change pace. The target? Thinking about an even brighter future and taking the Franciacorta essence from a Consortium to a real brand. And it does so starting from a new “face”, a new brand identity: after more than 10 years characterized by the crenellated F enclosed in the glass, Franciacorta on 19 February, during a gala dinner which saw in the kitchen the 1 Michelin star chef Stefano Cerveni – Ristorante Due colombe – and the green star chef Riccardo Scalvinoni – The Colmetto -, revealed the new brand to the press and industry experts, thus marking a significant moment in its history and growth.

“We are happy to present our new brand image, which represents our continuous commitment to excellence, innovation in the wine sector and our desire to evolve with time and our cornerstones: elegance and prestige, but also rigor, precision and determination. We thank AUGE for their precious contribution and we are confident that this work will lead Franciacorta to new goals”, said Silvano Brescianini, president of Franciacorta.

The new logo

The “crenellated F”, historical icon of Franciacorta, is renewed, taking on greater solidity and a more harmonious shape. The icon of the brand evolves and becomes a sort of window that opens towards the world of Franciacorta, its territory, its wines and its method. Added to this, there is also a new color palette and a new typography created specifically for the brand.

A new narrative

The Franciacorta method it is the center of the new brand narrative; a method which, in this new vision, takes on a double meaning: it is both the way in which each bottle of Franciacorta is produced and a way of life: an attitude made of courageous choices, extreme pursuit of quality and the desire to continually surpass oneself. This new narrative wants to ennoble the process and give value to the attention and meticulous care that Franciacorta puts in with great effort in every step that leads to the creation of its product and in the valorization of its territory.

The first vineyard map presented

“Excellence in the making” is the new brand essence: it emphasizes the propensity of Franciacorta to innovation And to evolutionwhich also translates to a profound valorisation of the territory and the wine-growing region. With a total of 19.5 million bottles sold, Franciacorta looks to the future and inaugurates the first Map of Vineyards and Areas within the region. This significant step is the result of the meticulous work conducted by Alessandro Masnaghetti, who precisely identified 134 different areas within the denomination. The event marks an important milestone for Franciacorta, projecting it forward with a new vision and clear identification of its wine resources.


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