Every recipe has its own pasta! – Italian Cuisine

Spaghetti Carbonara


Spaghetti Carbonara

The spaghetti carbonara recipe is typical Roman, appreciated and replicated all over the world! Find out how to make the perfect carbonara! Spaghetti Carbonara
Spaghetti Carbonara

Spaghetti with clams

The spaghetti with clams recipe is one of the greatest classics of Italian cuisine. It is a Campania tradition loved everywhere! Spaghetti with clams
Spaghetti with clams

Scarpariello pasta

A first course of Campania origins, easy, quick and tasty with cherry tomatoes, fresh basil, Pecorino and Parmesan. Discover our recipe here! Scarpariello pasta
Scarpariello pasta

Spaghetti with garlic, oil and hot peppers

Spaghetti with garlic, oil and chilli pepper is a simple dish to make, aromatic and tasty for a quick dinner or lunch. Spaghetti with garlic, oil and hot peppers
Spaghetti with garlic, oil and hot peppers

Spaghetti Alla Nerano

Spaghetti alla Nerano is a typical first course of traditional Campania cuisine, made with fried courgettes and Provolone del Monaco. Spaghetti Alla Nerano
Spaghetti Alla Nerano


Genoese is a specialty of Neapolitan cuisine: a white ragù with meat and lots of onions, excellent for seasoning pasta! Discover the Genoese recipe

Sorrento style pasta

Pasta alla Sorrentina is a delicious reinterpretation of the great classic of Campania cuisine based on gnocchi, tomato and stringy mozzarella! Sorrento style pasta
Sorrento style pasta

Penne pasta with arrabbiata sauce

Penne all’arrabbiata is a first course of the Roman culinary tradition; a simple preparation with strong flavours. Discover the recipe! Penne pasta with arrabbiata sauce
Penne pasta with arrabbiata sauce


This recipe has already been read 68 times!

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