Eggplant a beccafico, who knows them? – Italian Cuisine

Eggplant a beccafico, who knows them?


You may have heard of sardines a beccafico, but do you know that delicious eggplant rolls can also be made with the same filling?

Bring some Sicily at the table it is always an excellent idea. Aromatic, tasty and Mediterranean dishes that are hard to forget.

If you want to try a delicious appetizer, easy to prepare and – of course – rich in taste Eggplant Beccafico! Yes, yes, you read that right, the aubergines a beccafico, close relatives of the most famous Sicilian dish with Sardinian.

If you don't know what it is, think about inviting eggplant rolls (grilled or fried depending on your taste), stuffed with pecorino, breadcrumbs, pine nuts, raisin and aromas and then pass in the oven to mix all the ingredients well.

Eggplant a beccafico, the traditional recipe


To prepare this starter (or second course) typical Sicilian dish you will need: 500 g of round eggplants, breadcrumbs, pecorino, 40 g of pine nuts, 50 g of raisins, parsley, extra virgin olive oil, salt and bay leaf.


To prepare the Eggplant Beccafico the first step is to wash the aubergines and cut them into slices about 1.5 cm thick. They go then grilling on a hot plate for about 3 minutes on each side. In the meantime, in another pan, it is necessary to toast the Pine nuts.

After doing it, in the same pan and with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, add the bread crumbs and is toasted for about thirty seconds, then add the Pine nuts and the mixture is blended for another thirty seconds. After which the fire goes out.

At this point, transfer the breadcrumbs to a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of parsley chopped, a pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons of pecorino cheese and raisins. Take the grilled aubergines and enrich them with the mixture, then roll them up a roulade and closing them with a toothpick.

Then arrange them in a pan with a drizzle of oil, dust them on the surface with the remaining breadcrumbs mixture, add a drizzle of oil, the bay leaves and cook everything in oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes covering them with aluminum foil. Then remove the aluminum, activate the grill in the oven and cook the aubergines for another 5 minutes.


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