Duck legs lacquered with bitter vegetables – Italian Cuisine

Duck legs lacquered with bitter vegetables


Legs lacquered with bitter vegetables, preparation

1) Trimmed duck legs e tie them up with a few rounds of kitchen twine, to keep them in shape.

2) Brown them in a saucepan with a drizzle of oil, making them brown on all sides. Eliminate some of the fat that will collect at the bottom of the saucepan e unite chopped onion and bay leaf. Cook for one twenty minutes.

3) In a bowl emulsified honey, sherry and soy sauce.

4) Transfer the thighs to a pan, sprinkle them with the emulsion and continue with cooking for 15-20 minutes in oven at 180 °, turning the pieces from time to time and checking that they do not burn.

5) Meanwhile, clean the vegetables and cut them into pieces. Rub a pan with half a clove of garlic, heat up a drizzle of oil and jump vegetables with a few leaves of thyme.

6) Salt, pepper and remove from the heat when the vegetables are still very crunchy.

7) Serve duck legs, veiled with the sauce, with their vegetable side dish.


Posted on 11/24/2021



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