Cicerchiata – ‘s recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Cicerchiata - Misya's recipe


First prepare the dough: put flour, eggs, sugar, oil, liqueur and salt in a bowl and work for at least 10 minutes, until you have obtained a smooth, elastic and homogeneous dough, then wrap it with cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Take the dough again, remove the film, take one piece of dough at a time, cut a long, thin cord (1-1.5 cm) and cut it into pieces of approximately the same length as the thickness.
Continue with the rest of the dough, gradually leaving the pieces on the lightly floured work surface.

Once you have cut all the dough, heat plenty of oil in a large pan and fry until golden, then drain them with a slotted spoon on kitchen paper: leave to cool.

Place water and sugar in a pan, bring to the boil and leave to thicken slightly, then add the grated citrus fruit peels and honey and mix.

Pour the fried pieces of dough into the syrup and mix until it is evenly distributed.

Assemble the cicerchiata: place a long, narrow container (about 8-10 cm), lightly greased with oil, in the center of the serving plate and place the glazed pieces around it (this way they will take the shape of a donut).

Remove the container from the center and decorate with sprinkles, sprinkles and almond flakes.

The cicerchiata is ready, all you have to do is enjoy it.


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