Chocolate croissants – Recipe chocolate croissants – Italian Cuisine

»Chocolate croissants - Recipe Misya chocolate croissants


Sift the two flours and the cocoa into a bowl, then add salt and sugar and mix.
Add the yeast dissolved in the freshly warmed milk and start working.
Add the lightly beaten egg and continue processing, then add the softened butter.

The mixture will initially be soft and sticky, but continue to work it, at medium-high speed, for at least 10-15 minutes, until it begins to string and will be well elastic and compact, slightly buttery, but no longer sticky.
Cover the bowl with a clean cloth and let it rise in the oven with the small light on for at least 2 hours or until it has tripled in volume.

After rising, resume the dough and deflate it with your hands on a lightly floured pastry board.
Then roll it out with a rolling pin forming a round sheet of about 3-4 mm.
Divide the circle first into four quarters and then each quarter into other three equal parts, so as to obtain 12 segments.
With a knife, cut a cut of no more than 2 cm in the middle of the base of each triangle.

Slightly spread the two halves of the base and slightly stretch the tip of the triangle, then fill it with a generous teaspoon of nutella.
At this point, starting from the base, roll the dough until it reaches the tip, forming a croissant.

Proceed like this with all the cloves of dough, gradually placing the croissants on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, well distaniatra them.
Return to the oven and let it rise again for at least 1 hour or until it has doubled in volume.

Brush the croissants with a little milk and (if you want) sprinkle them with sugar, then cook for about 12 minutes in a preheated static oven at 180 ° C.
Allow at least to cool your chocolate croissants before serving them.


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