Baked Tagliatelle – 's Baked Tagliatelle Recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Baked Tagliatelle - Misya's Baked Tagliatelle Recipe


First of all, prepare the béchamel: melt the butter with the flour to prepare a roux, then dilute it with warm milk, mixing well.
Add a pinch of salt and nutmeg, then cook, stirring constantly, until it thickens.

Meanwhile, put a pot of salted water on the fire and, when it boils, drop the pasta, then drain it al dente.

Put the pasta in a bowl, mixing it with the bechamel, the diced ham, the diced cheese, a little parmesan.
If it seems too dry, add a little milk.

Pour everything into a 25×25 cm pan, then cook for about 5-10 minutes at 200 ° C, in a preheated convection oven, with the grill on, just long enough for the cheese to melt and a crunchy crust is created on the surface.

The baked tagliatelle are ready: let them rest for 5 minutes before serving.


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