You Can Count on Monte Cristo Benedict for Mother’s Day Brunch

I always get a ton of food wishes this time of year for
creative brunch ideas, and I was thinking about doing some new type of eggs Benedict, when I happened to see a photo of a Monte Cristo sandwich. At first,
it just made me want a Monte Cristo sandwich, but after that wore off, I
started thinking about how I’d seen these topped with fried eggs before.

Long story short, I decided to simply make an open-faced
version of the famous stuffed sandwich, and top it with poached eggs, and
hopefully a new American brunch classic was born. Of course, I’ll let you decide, but there was nothing I didn’t
love about this plate of food. Okay, the salad was kind of phoned in, but the rest was awesome.

The base is a variation of our famous Restaurant Style French Toast recipe, which marries perfectly with the ham, cheddar and havarti.
It was so tasty you really don’t even need the poached eggs. Actually, forget I
said that. Do the eggs. If only so you can pop those yolks, and watch them run.
Besides the eating, that has to be the best part.

I’ve also re-posted a poached eggs demo below, since
poaching your eggs ahead of time is the only way to go, especially if you have
a larger group. By the way, you can hold the Monte Cristo bases in a warm oven while
you pull the rest of the meal together. I hope you give this new Benedict a try
soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 portions:
For the batter:
2 large eggs
1/4 cup cream
1 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
pinch of cayenne
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp allspice
4 thick slices of French bread
1 tbsp butter
8 slices ham
4 slices cheddar cheese
4 slices havarti cheese
8 poached eggs
chive to garnish

How to Poach Eggs 


This recipe has already been read 1347 times!

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