Vacation Recap

by Pam on July 8, 2013

We’re back from a whirlwind trip to Idaho to see some of our family. We had a great time catching up with friends and family, watching the kids run through sprinklers, celebrating birthdays, playing rounds of rummikub, eating great food, lighting fireworks, going to the zoo, enjoyed a few fabulous restaurants, and playing at the lake. It was a wonderful trip and we were so happy to see some of our favorite people.

I’ll be back to cooking tomorrow.

On the road


Someone snuck up front


My sister and daughter




Rummikub with my mom




Cooling down


My father shucking fresh oysters & my brother in law grilling


My mom and sister with Helen enjoying a beverage






Worn out


Exploring the zoo with Grandma and Papa


Lucky Peak


Cruising the lake


Relaxing on the raft


Loving her first time at a lake


Enjoying the ride

My birthday dinner with two of my favorite ladies…


… and three of my favorite guys


Heading back home


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