Treacle and lemon tart

  • Serves: 10

  • Prep time: 20 mins

  • Cooking time: 15 mins

  • Total time: 35 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips


A delicious take on a classic English dessert; this melt in the mouth treacle tart is a timeless favourite. With a hint of lemon, this tart is extra special. This tart is extra sticky, sweet and soft too. Serve with a dollop of fresh cream or ice cream for dessert. This tart will take 35 mins to maike altogether and serves 10 people. If you want to save time you could use shop bought pastry instead. This recipe has been tripled tested in the Woman’s Weekly kitchen.

This recipe has already been read 681 times!

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